How to Drive Traffic to Your Brewery or Distillery Website

Boost brewery or distillery site traffic with audience insights, SEO, engaging content, social media, and more. Discover our ultimate guide!
How to Drive Traffic to Your Brewery or Distillery Website

How to Drive Traffic to Your Brewery or Distillery Website

Picture this: you’ve got the perfect brew or spirit, the ambiance of your establishment is nothing short of magical, and your team is ready to pour happiness into every glass. But wait—your website, the digital gateway to your brewery or distillery, isn’t getting the traffic it deserves. Fear not, my friend, because I’ve been down this road before, and I’m here to share some tips that will have people flooding to your site like bees to honey.

Understand Your Audience

First things first, who are these people you want to connect with? Knowing your audience is like having a secret recipe that sets your business apart. When I first started working with breweries and distilleries, I realized that understanding what your customers love is crucial. Do they prefer a hoppy IPA or a smooth bourbon? Are they festival-goers or stay-at-home samplers? This knowledge will guide your content and marketing strategies.

To get a grip on your audience, dive into analytics tools like Google Analytics to see where your traffic is coming from and what content they engage with. Trust me, data might sound boring, but it’s like finding treasure in the digital world. Use it wisely!

Create Compelling Content

Now that you know your audience, let’s create content that resonates with them. Think of your website as the ultimate storybook for your brewery or distillery. You’ve got a unique story to tell, so let’s tell it! From the history of your craft to the meticulous process of brewing or distilling, every detail matters.

Consider starting a blog featuring topics like behind-the-scenes insights, tasting notes, pairing suggestions, and even a day in the life of a brewer or distiller. I remember helping a distillery client who decided to write an article about pairing whiskey with different types of cheese, and, oh boy, did it get people talking—and visiting!

Optimize for SEO

Ah, SEO—the mysterious art of making your website more visible to search engines. It’s like trying to be the cool kid in a digital high school. You want Google to notice you, right? Start with keyword research. What would someone type into a search engine if they were looking for a brewery or distillery like yours? Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to discover those golden keywords.

Once you’ve got your keywords, sprinkle them naturally throughout your content, in your page titles, meta descriptions, and even your image alt texts. But remember, keyword stuffing is a big no-no. You want Google to love you, not scold you!

Engage on Social Media

Social media is like the party everyone’s invited to—but you don’t want to be the wallflower, do you? Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, or even TikTok, find where your audience hangs out and engage with them. Share mouth-watering photos of your latest brews, host live tastings, or create fun, educational videos about your brewing process.

Also, don’t be afraid to inject some humor. I once followed a brewery that posted a meme comparing their stout to a cuddly teddy bear. It was hilarious, got a ton of shares, and drove traffic to their site like wildfire.

Leverage Email Marketing

Let’s talk email—the forgotten hero of digital marketing. Email marketing might seem a bit old school, but it’s incredibly effective. People who sign up for your newsletter already have an interest in your craft. They’re like pen pals eagerly waiting to hear from you.

Send them updates about new releases, exclusive events, or even a monthly newsletter with insider tips and stories. I remember crafting an email campaign for a distillery that included a “Name Our Next Spirit” contest. Not only did it engage the audience, but it also increased the website traffic significantly as people flocked to participate.

Collaborate with Influencers and Bloggers

We’re in the age of influencers, where a single Instagram post can reach thousands of potential customers. Find influencers or bloggers in the beverage niche who align with your brand and values. A well-executed collaboration can introduce your brewery or distillery to a whole new audience.

Invite them over for a tour, a tasting session, or even a collaboration brew. Their followers will be curious to learn more about you, and where will they head first? Your website, of course!

Invest in Google and Social Media Ads

While organic traffic is the dream, sometimes a little boost is necessary. Google Ads and social media ads can help put your brewery or distillery in the spotlight. But don’t just throw money at the problem! Target your ads wisely—consider geographic targeting to attract locals or focus on interests to reach enthusiasts.

A few months ago, I worked with a small craft brewery that was hosting an Oktoberfest event. We ran targeted Facebook ads, and the turnout (and web traffic) was beyond expectations. Just remember, every dollar spent should be strategic, like adding hops to your brew, not too much and not too little.

Host Virtual Events

The world has embraced virtual events like never before. Why not host a virtual tasting or a Q&A session with your master brewer or distiller? It’s a fantastic way to engage with your audience, no matter where they are, and drive them to your site for sign-ups and more information.

Once, I helped a distillery run a virtual mixology class. Participants got a kit shipped to them and followed along from home. The sign-up page on their website saw a huge spike in traffic, proving that people love to learn and connect, even through a screen.

Ensure a User-Friendly Website

Imagine this: you’ve enticed someone to visit your site, but it loads slower than molasses in January. Frustrating, right? Don’t let a sluggish website be the roadblock to your success. A clean, user-friendly, and fast-loading website is crucial.

Make sure your site is mobile-friendly too. More people browse on their phones than ever before. If you’re not mobile-optimized, you might as well be handing out flyers in a ghost town. And if you need help with this, well, White Mountain Solutions ( can certainly lend a hand. They’re pros at designing websites that shine, just like your craft.

Encourage User-Generated Content

Let your customers be your brand ambassadors! Encourage them to share their experiences at your brewery or distillery on social media. Create a branded hashtag or host a photo contest. People love sharing their experiences, and potential customers trust peer reviews more than marketing messages.

I once saw a brewery start a “Best Beer Photo” contest, with the winning shot featured on their website. The engagement was phenomenal, and it drove curious beer lovers to their site to check out the contest and results.

Use Local SEO and Directories

We can’t forget the power of local SEO. Make sure your business is listed in local directories like Google My Business, Yelp, and TripAdvisor. Optimize your listings with current information, enticing photos, and regular updates. The more visible you are locally, the more likely nearby customers will stop by both your website and your actual location.

One of the distilleries I worked with realized they weren’t listed on a popular local tourism site. Once we corrected that, they saw an uptick in both web traffic and foot traffic. It was like finding a missing piece of the puzzle.


There you have it, folks. Driving traffic to your brewery or distillery website is a mix of creativity, strategy, and a dash of digital savvy. Whether you’re crafting a new lager, distilling a rare whiskey, or just sharing your passion for the craft, remember that your website is a reflection of who you are. Make it engaging, informative, and a true representation of your brand.

So, grab a glass of your finest creation, toast to new beginnings, and get ready to watch that website traffic soar like never before!